Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cedar Fever

That's where I've been...bed ridden, thanks to those lovely trees that populate this awesome greenbelt we live right in the middle of. For the last few days I've had headaches, body aches, dizziness, sore throat, etc. It's lovely. And it's almost gone...almost.

I did manage to take a picture each day except Sunday when my lovely husband filled in for me. He was awesome while I was sick, by the way. Brought me juice, soup, meds...pretty much anything I asked for. And he cleaned the apartment! I'm a lucky girl!

Alright, lets get started. We've got a lot of catching up to do.

January 9, 2011

I got out of bed and got right back in. It was cold, my head was killing me, and I was sure that I was on the verge of death. It did cross my mind that I needed a picture for the day, but I was in no mood to get out of bed. I was considering giving myself a reprieve for the day, and that's when he snapped...

This is where all 4 of us spent he better part of the next 48 hours.

January 10, 2011

I was still feeling terrible, but Riley was set to go home tonight, so I made a temporary move to the couch where I could properly welcome my good friends back to the lone star state. They arrived, Cajun gifts in hand, then left again without much ado and that's when I snapped.

Scout was already missing her new friend.

January 11, 2011

I was feeling ok. I managed to put in a few hours at work and my awesome coworkers pulled me through it. Once I got home, I settled on the couch to finish the season of Psych that I'd started during my down days. When I got through that, I went to check on the husband of the year, who was playing his PS3 where I had previously been quarantined , and that's when I snapped.

 Isn't he handsome?

January 12, 2011

YAY! I've finally caught up!

Now, you see, my little dog, Janie, she's a couch potato. She was absolutely smitten to be snuggled up in bed for those sick days, and I think she was a little put off when I got up and went to work yesterday. Well, lucky for her, I had this morning off, so we snuggled up to polish off another season of Psych (safe to say I'm addicted to it now). I did, eventually, have to get up and get dressed and when I came back to take them out one last time before I left for the day I noticed she had not moved a muscle (protesting?) and that's when I snapped.

She's got the cutest bed head!

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