This first one was actually taken last night. Well, it was around 11:30 last night so it was today on the east coast...Every night while we're get ready for bed, the same thing happens...Janie jumps up, snuggles up next to Tyler's pillow and waits. Patiently. For belly rubs and kisses. She is persistent. After a few minutes of this routine last night, I jumped up, grabbed my camera, jumped back in bed, and that's when I snapped.
It's out of focus and a total snapshot, but I love them both.
This next one is really from today. Our dogs have been misbehaving lately and the best remedy we could come up with is more exercise. Janie is also a couple of pounds overweight (which is a lot since she's so small), so needs more exercise even if she's being good. So, we made a deal: I walk Janie during the day and Tyler runs with Scout at night. I think he took the short end of the stick because Janie is a breeze to walk by herself. She's easy enough that I can take my camera with me and not nearly die. So this morning, Janie and I went out in search of something to photograph. I noticed this ugly little flower on the side of our path, and that's when I snapped.
There's not much too it, but I think it's cute.
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