Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'll play if you play...

Since everyone in our family (that's me, the husband and our 2 dogs) has been featured so far except for our brown dog, Scout, I knew that I wanted to get a picture of her for today. She's typically very cooperative and will sit and stay and pose to my hearts content. Today was a different story.

Yesterday, we let her destroy the last of the toys we had bought for Christmas. You know those stockings full of dog toys you can get around the holidays that with about 10 different toys in them. They cost about $5 and at the rate she goes through toys it's not worth spending any more than that. She's a monster. She's been through 3 now...and they provided about 10 total minutes entertainment. We got one at my work Christmas party in a white elephant game, gave her one on Christmas Eve eve, and then last night remembered that we still had one more, so we dumped them on the floor and let her go at it.

So this morning when I got up, I surveyed the damage and cleaned up the mess then used the one remaining item from the stocking to lure her into a bow. I thought it would be cute...butt in the air, tail wagging. I put the toy on my head, tried to get her to chase me, did everything I could (and that normally works) and nothing. She sat and looked at me like I was crazy. After a few minutes, I gave up and gave Janie her mid-morning belly rub.

Guess who wants to play now? Yep, ol' Scout. Of course, my camera was out of reach, so I grabbed the rope, drug her across the room to where it was sitting, set everything the best I could with one hand, and that's when I snapped.

I'll play you're game, dog, if you'll play mine. Gotcha!

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