Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I woke up this morning ready to take on 2011. Not long after morning yoga with the hubby, I realized I had no New Year's resolution. Keep them or not, I like to have least try, ya know? So, I resolved to think about it more and went about my morning (since I'm still on vacation and at my parent's house, it wasn't much).

Like most days, I logged on to the Photography Board and clicked around...into the 365 photo thread I went. Awesome! My new year's resolution has been made--1 photo a day for every day in 2011!! I'll improve in photography (my current favorite hobby) and I'll have a record of all of our adventures for the year. Some days will be easier than others, but every day will be documented.

Of course, I had to get started right away, so I grabbed camera, looked around, and that's when I snapped...

T, using his very favorite Christmas present....a PS3. I'm a good wife...

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